This method of making money online is very clever. I found it at
TheCashLab and they want it to be shared. You will find the direct link
at the end of this post. I believe that everybody is able to make money
with this method. This post is without a video but I believe it can help
you to make money online the easy way.
Post fake ‘for sale’ ads on free
classified sites saying you want to
sell your iPod (or similar popular product). When they contact you
wanting to buy, tell them that it’s already sold and instead give them
your affiliate link for a CPA email submit.
1) Join a CPA network. Good networks are Max Bounty, Never Blue,
Adscend, etc. There are 100′s of CPA networks out there. Just join as
many as you can until you get accepted at a reputable one.
2) Once you get accepted find an iPod email submit offer. These are
really popular and all CPA networks should have at least a few of these.
Basically what happens is you send traffic to this CPA offer that says
something like ‘Submit your email and win an iPod” and you get paid
about $1.50 for each email that gets submitted.
I know a lot of you already know what an email submit is… but I’m
just spelling it out for the newbies.
3) Create a new gmail address. You’ll want to do this to stop your
normal email getting clogged up with hundreds of emails, and also you
need to create an autoreply from this email… more on that later.
4) Post ads all over the internet. Craigslist, eBay Classifieds,
Oodle, Backpage, Adoos, etc. You can even post in online chat or where
ever someone will want to buy an iPod.
When making you post say you have an iPod for sale. Make the post
something close to the retail price so that it’s believable. Also adding
pic’s of a second hand iPod is good.
You will get HEAPS of message from people wanting to buy.
4) Set up an auto-reply that automatically send a reply message to
anyone that emails you. This is easy to do in gmail.Say something like
"Sorry I’ve already sold it – but this is where I got mine: “insert
affiliate link from step 2″. To be honest I don’t think everyone gets
the iPod but it’s worth a try."
That’s it!
Anyone who replies to your ‘for sale’ ad will receive that message.
They’ll visit your affiliate link, complete the email submit, and you
get paid! Now just go out and mass post your message in as many places
as you can.
You’ll also want to check the email every now and again for any
services that don’t let you reply by email. Some places where
you advertised your iPod for sale will need you to log back into their
website to reply to the person interested in buying.
If you like this method please recommend it to everyone who wants to make money online.
Join CPA Network
Find an iPod (or similar) email submit offer
Make ‘for sale’ posts on all popular classifieds sites
Setup auto-responder that sends them your affiliate link
Direct Link
Please Take Also A Look At Make Money Online For More Useful Methods About Making Money Online !